Monday, April 6, 2009

My Top Ten Things To Do in 2009

April of 2003 in when I first became ill. No in April of 2009 I have no more resolution to the problem then before. Various unfounded diagnosis range from Crohn's Disease to Carcinoid Syndrome a rare type of tumor and cancer.

Over the past 6 years I have been debilitated to the point of cruel isolation. Life is short and I'm tried of waiting to get better to do the things I always wanted to do.

At 24 I haven't done the things I hoped I'd do and I'm tired of letting this illness cripple my life. Since I can't seem to get the one answer I want (I.e. what is making me so ill) I've devised a list.

So this is me making a dumb face, but you get the idea:
The list below entails things I've wanted to do or felt I missed out on in someway.

1. Ride on the back of a motorcycle
2. Have a carnivorous friend go veg for a week
3. Record my own song in FULL completion
4. Write a complete novel
5. Put together a benefit concert for stray animals
6. Take a dance class
7. Have a tea party
8. Solve A Rubik's cube (with assistance)
9. Do a large puzzle
10 Get autographs from T.B.D. artists
11. Make a music video
12. Have my very own prom

If you are inclined to help me with any of the following please let me know. I will be video / photo documenting all of this